In exactly a week, to the minute, I'll be getting ready to board a plane on the way to Moscow, Russia. Most of the details are in order at this point. I've sent off my shipment, all the goods that have been taking up space in my mother's house, including my quilt, some cooking implements, and more stationary than any person needs to own. I have an appointment tomorrow to see the vet with Rizza, to get her final paperwork in order. My visa (in my fancy new passport) is reported to be in the mail. I even have a new computer, a fancy new Surface, to make myself more mobile around the massive school.
This final week in America (again), I'm spending time with family and picking up a few last minute items, although my suitcases have been packed for some time already. I'd also like to catch a movie or two. It's become something of a ritual to see a film before I leave the country. I remember before I left for Cambodia, it was Dark Knight. Hopefully, I can eat a few more burritos from Chipotle, since there is something outstanding about that flavor. Most of the rest is just ensuring that I'm organized enough to manage life in a new place by having my life in order.
Given the short time before I go, I thought I should get the blog back up and running and set some goals for my time there. I'll be in Russia for at least two years, and possibly more if everything goes to plan. Some of my family members reminded me that they both read the blog and note the goals that I have, so there is some accountability at stake here for me. :)
But first, let's review the Bangkok goals.
1. Add positive habits.
There were a few positive habits that I added in Bangkok, the most notable being a gratitude letter. Every day, I wrote something that I was grateful for on a large piece of paper. That will certainly be coming to Russia with me, because it was a beautiful way to reflect on the day and enjoy again a small interaction that I had with another person or with myself.
I created a Happy List, and try to do something from that list every day. They are as simple as a crossword puzzle and cup of tea, but that idea that I'm actively making myself more happy is a blessed one.
I also utilize a nice task management system... Habitica. That I would consider a positive habit, as I'm motivated to accomplish things through a somewhat external system, providing me added benefits to getting stuff done besides just, well, getting stuff done.
2. Learn Thoughtfully and Consistently.
I think at the beginning, this was happening more. Towards the end, I think I was becoming lazy in Bangkok, but I've been working on my Russian and will have many new things to learn about a new city and a new culture.
3. Be Mindful.
It is hard to judge this, but I was meditating on a relatively frequent basis and reflecting about life often. I continue to search for this.
4. Save Every Extra Baht.
I was certainly saving some money in Bangkok, and quite a lot. I have some new money goals for Russia, though, that I'm hoping will work out.
5. Organize a Life of Photos.
Indeed this organization has taken place... and is set up conveniently in a Dropbox folder that holds everything I own on three devices and the internet.
6. Find the Joy of Cooking.
Gosh, I must say that I've been unable to find the joy of cooking as of yet. In fact, it is quite a challenge to find the joy of cooking when fresh, healthy, home cooked food is available 20 feet from your door for a dollar or two. Perhaps it is unsurprising that my second home in Bangkok, in the city center, didn't even have a stove.
This year, I'll be 30. My aunt Carol calls me a "larva." I have much improving of myself to do on my quest to be whatever comes after a larva, I think. Here are those goals:
1. Save Those Rubles.
It is my goal to pay off my students loans, all $18K, while I'm in Russia. I want to be free of the bounds of debt, and plan to take every step to pay those down.
2. Seriously, Learn to Cook.
I've gathered that Russia will not have the access to fresh food on the street that I've been recently accustomed to, so it really is time to learn to prepare a meal or two. This will also help with the next goal, because I need to....
3. Eat the Healthiest.
I've been diagnosed with a condition that increases the likelihood of me getting diabetes by an insane amount, so I've restricted my sugar to almost none. I eat mostly plants, with some protein thrown in, and I'm feeling (and looking) better than I have in some time. I plan to keep that going in Moscow, and maintain my health as I start this new chapter.
4. Write.
I've been eager to write a book of short stories since I read a recent book. I would like to write a book that commemorates the people who have made my life as amazing as it has been, the men and women who have shaped my life into what it is. I also want to write on this blog and write in my journal far more frequently than I have been doing.
5. Expand the Resume.
A librarian needs to be a little bit of everything, so this year is a year for growth. The school that I'll be working at is considerably different than the ones that I've been to, so it is my goal to expand my resume by building in pieces of other disciplines and learning from the wealth of knowledge that will be in my colleagues.
6. See Europe.
I was getting lazy in Thailand, not wanting to travel. I will make the effort to get out and see Russia, Europe, and Central Asia, and be sure to take some vacations that recharge me and my mind as I see the world.
I want to ring in my 30th year with happiness and joy through the thrill of improving myself and seeing all that I can.