I was thinking of a few things.
1. I got my macbook, and began uploading pictures. Today I felt inclined to delete a great number of pictures, as is my goal. And I did. I deleted things that were bad shots, anything that didn't bring up a strong memory, pictures that weren't of people I spent great deals of time with... all sorts of reasons. I started with about 13k photos, and am down about a grand. I expect I will have a great many fewer by the end of it all, which is the goal. It was a very curious sensation, though; I kept feeling guilty for every shot I deleted, even though I had variations for days. I'll work through this with time, I'm sure. There are a few things that I keep holding on to, and want to let go.
2. I'm thinking seriously about eventually working for Tessa Boudrie, the woman that I wrote my Voluntourism post from. Her organization, matching donors with suitable organizations, is something that I think could be very valuable. It seems to me like a great way to enact change, working on the ground and finding places that are doing great and need some help. It's long down the road, but her talk has stuck with me for some time now.
3. I believe I will spend Christmas in Burma. And balloon over the ancient city, practice some spirituality, and relax in the trees.
4. Yesterday I babysat for Kim, and watching his girls was a riot. I'm grateful that I have the opportunity to seek out this family without having one of my own. I feel rather confident that I will not produce my own offspring, so having that outlet and that nearby family is really a wonderful thing. I believe I want to get them some kids books for the next celebration... all their English books were garbage. I read this Town Mouse and Country Mouse and I was yawning reading it because it was so boring.
5. I'm very, very proud of Aaron. He did an amazing thing this week, and I smile every time I think about how wonderful he is and how much I want him to come over here with me.
6. My lily bloomed today. Life is grand.
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