Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Out with the Old

I have deleted more files than I ever thought possible.

So far, I’ve gone through all my pictures from the beginning of my digital photography until my recent move to America.  My goal was to delete anything that I wouldn’t enjoy: blurry shots, duplicates, extras, confusing shots, pics without a memory attached, anything. 

And so I have. It helped that I’m setting up my mac to take over for when my PC finally kicks the bucket (which may be sooner than I think).  I believe that I have deleted something in the neighborhood of 12,000 pics, likely more.  I am cleansing everything.

My records are clearer with my music, something that I’ve recently gone through.  I transferred everything to my mac with the hope that I’d be able to clean it up and go through it all.  I’m watching my PC struggle under the weight of all the files. 

I started out with 54.8 GB of music, 14,281 items in the library.
Now, my library has 26.45 GB of music, 4,836 items.

Part of that was doubles and duplicates.  Some was old podcasts, full albums, songs I’ve never listened to, everything.  I created a few new playlists, and am quite enjoying a collection that includes the songs that I would like to listen to.

Just this weekend, I worked on transferring documents from one computer to the other, and realized just how many documents I have that I don’t need.  I think I deleted about 1,500 documents.

Next step is to finish clearing the photos, maybe comb through them one more time.  I am going to clean up the metadata, so the names and places match.  Then, I’m going to back up everything on both computers as the only source of data.  No more doubles and triples of things.


  1. I very much need to do this, I must scrub and organize,....ahhhh return too simplicity. Yes please.

    Good girl you are.

  2. I very much need to do this, I must scrub and organize,....ahhhh return too simplicity. Yes please.

    Good girl you are.
