And I've just been thinking on my long taxi ride home that I've made more than a few mistakes these past few days. I wanted to share these things because, well, they are both entertaining and identify a few parts of Thai culture.
1. At the grocery store, I failed to weigh my fruit and get a price for the second time. While in the produce department, you weigh in and get a price not unlike going to the butcher. Me forgetting (again) to do this means that I wait in the checkout line for a little extra time while the very nice cashier goes and does it for me.... I also get judged a bit by the other customers and the manager.
2. I neglected to have the proper money in my wallet while taking a taxi. For some reason, the taxi dudes don't keep much change with them. I tried to pay for my 120b ride (4ish bucks) with a 1000b note (about 30 bucks) and change wasn't possible. Luckily, I've been saving coin, and had enough to pay him in basically quarters.
3. I left this afternoon to go have coffee with my friend from Cambodia and ended up leaving my laundry out in the rain. This just means that I wait one extra day for my clothing.... and maybe it smells a bit soggy... but otherwise, I just have to remember that this is rainy season. And in the spring, in the heat, I have to bring them in before they get baked too long.
4. I apparently broke the ATM with my simple requests. It stole my card too, which is annoying and gives me an extra chore. Annoying, but not a huge issue.
5. I've been unable to locate during working hours both the post office and a photo printing shop. Also postcards. I really want to send some postcards to people, but I'm not in touristy places.
6. I bought too many hangers at the store because I misunderstood the promotion. Because I don't read Thai and wasn't paying very close attention to the sale.
7. I'm still awake at 11 the night before my first day of school because I went to the movies in the city. On the plus side, I got another giant Paragon cup to keep with my and fill with ice water.
8. I can barely find my own house in the dark. The poor taxi guy... he got warnings too late about the turns and had to back up at least twice.
9. I started a new TV show instead of doing some of the work that I had to do. On the plus side, Orange is the New Black is a pretty sweet show.
10. I really wanted to have all my clothes laid out for the first day of school, but I made an executive decision to do that in the morning.
Now for some positives.
1. Rizza is sleeping next to my computer like she used to, which means she is starting to feel comfy in the new house.
2. I had a great time catching up with my friend and going to the cinema with her. Additionally, I made it to and from town on my own, which was quite easy and involved some walking and a cheap taxi.
3. I did two loads of laundry before leaving it out in the rain... and did the dishes tonight. I cooked a meal for myself earlier today, which was one of my goals for the week (as Aaron can attest). I'm all domestic and shit.
4. There's a tokay near my house somewhere that I hear in the dark. It reminds me of the home I made in Cambodia and gives me all kinds of comfort.
5. There aren't any dogs near my house. This corner is run by felines... and I may just be able to let Rizza out a little to explore.
Enjoy your week, my friends.
Yay! I had a great time, too! :)