Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hump Day Ha!

I got this pizza delivered to my house.  It was $5. 
Today I went grocery shopping with Kim.

It was a long day and is becoming a very long week; I've worked pretty head on for about a solid week now, and it's beginning to catch up with me.  On the upside, I got a bit of cash in my pocket today, which is mighty fine.

So we went to the grocery store, the Big C, as it's called.  I shopped around for a bunch of things: a fan, a mug, some groceries.  I bought peanut butter and honey, some grapes, a few other things.  The grocery store is so haphazardly organized.  It took me ages to find anything, so I just wandered about until I completed my list.  There's a section called Processed Food, where you can find honey and cereal and chips.  Just... odd.

Anyway.  I was checking out (and couldn't for the life of me remember my own phone number, which meant I couldn't get my points), and I see Kim doing the same a few aisles up.  He finished before me, and went off to the other side of the store, then returned looking pleased as punch.  I was just finishing up, and he started telling me about this bowl that he got.  This bowl... was white ceramic with a tiny picture of cuddling kissing bears on it.  He told me it came from "the man."  My curiosity was piqued, and I asked for more information.  He tells me that there is a place where you give your receipt to the man, and sometimes he gives you a prize.

Yes, there is a man who looks at your ticket and sometimes he goes, "no" but sometimes he goes "yes" and gives you a prize.

I thought to myself... well, might as well try that.  Show me the way, Kim!

It was free.  A prize for buying water.
I handed my receipt to that man.  He looked very unhappy.  He perused, looking thoroughly over the receipt.  He took a stamp and slammed it down on the paper.  He stood up and went to the back of his little cubicle.

"Red or green," he says.

Red?  I chose red.

Then all of a sudden, I have this little prize.  A bag, with Minere, one of the water brands, attached to the side.

A prize!  At the grocery!!

What a thrilling life I lead.

In other news:
My cat is loving seaweed.  It's her little treat now.
I got mail today, and it made me have a silly smile (Kim's words, not mine).
Work couldn't be going better in any possible way.
I'm drinking my favorite tea from home... strawberry green, and it tastes magnificent.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy. This sounds like a good day.

    OH, This is Missy by the way.

    Send me your address and I will send you mail with presents.

